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March 19, 2008

John Brown - Keg Party

If you dont remember this guy from VH1 show "White Rapper Show". Well John Brown didnt win but was by far the most talented on the show. Ask John Brown (real name Greg Kaysen) and he'll be happy to tell you, he's not a rapper, he's "an entity." He's also the guy who ruffles the most feathers in Tha White House, embroiled in beef with various cast members over his non-stop promotion of his rap crew / business known as Ghetto Revival. Shrewd and skilled, the self-proclaimed, 26-year-old "King of the 'Burbs" (who also produces beats) is from Davis, CA, but is currently living in the tough borough of Brooklyn, NY and we guarantee he's saying, "Hallelujah Holla Back!" as you read this. Visit his MySpace Page http://www.myspace.com/johnbrownghettorevival