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March 19, 2008

Rick Ross Out Sales Snoop & Fat Joe

Rick Ross’ sophomore album comes in number 1 with 198k records sold in the first week. Snoop’s, “Ego Trippin,” sold 136k and Fat Joe’s, “Elephant In The Room,” sold 46k coming in number 6th.

I was in Target tonight and I wanted to pick up a copy of Trilla but they were sold out. Sold out in Target dam I thought for sure he did gold his first week. Well at least he beat Snoop and Fat Joe. Fat Joe album isnt that bad. He has good beats but his baby lyrics kills me on every track.

Go buy that Rick Ross Trilla album, its a classic. I havent heard that Snoop album and dont plan on giving it any spins after he said he didnt write Sensual Seduction. He says he doesnt sees it as a problem when R&B artist have people write their songs all the time. I dont think thats a good reason to justify you not having it in you no more.