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May 13, 2008

Bill O'Reilly Flips Out! [Back In His Younger Reporter Days]

Hip Hop fans who watch Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” know that host, Bill O’Reilly has a bit of a temper. His outburst against many of his guests and various topics have been discussed on news shows and message boards alike, but a new video shows that “the culture warrior” can take it to his staff as well.

A video showing old footage from O’Reilly’s “Inside Edition” days show the pundit going on a tirade over jumbled writing on the studio teleprompter.

After failing to read the copy, O’Reilly drops the “the F bomb” on the staffer who previously tried to walk him through the text.

Aside from the antics, which could easily be described as childish, the language O’Reilly uses is similar to the language of the “gangster rappers” he readily decries.
