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November 02, 2008

Lil Wayne and Birdman in self-funded movie together

Birdman and Lil Wayne are releasing a movie with a similar buisiness model to 50 Cent’s self-funded movie Before I Self Destruct. Similar to 50’s movie, Birdman and Wayne are funding the movie Like Father, Like Son on their own, is more in the “amateur” street-style vs. glossy high production Hollywood and will be used as a marketing tool in conjunction with the release of a new album.

Birdman revealed on NY’s Power 105.1 “Me and Wayne just finished this movie — Like Father, Like Son — that’s coming out in June and the album coming out at the same time,” he said. “That’s what we do. Just me being myself. I just wanted to, it’s something we wanted to fund. It’s ours.”

As artists find it harder and harder to sell physical CDs, expect to see more trends like these “self-made” movies as added bonuses. It’s only a matter of time before another artist jumps on this. We’ll have more details on Like Father, Like Son as we get them.