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February 21, 2008

Teacher Screaming @ Students, WTF

Social studies teacher Michael Boculac at Poinciana High School in Florida was secretly taped screaming at students about the importance of studying for tests. Shocked parents and students said he went too far. The teacher is still teaching but Deputy school superintendent Terry Andrews told parents and press that the school makes sure it never happens again.

Transcript: "go someplace else! go to another school and screw it up! Go out there and find out what it's like to dig a ditch every day. And do that for the rest of your life. Stand on your feet in public and punch a cash register because that's about all any idiot can do! And you're all adults! And we have to treat you like children! It's time some of you understood the truth, look in the mirror and find out! Look in the mirror because you're a joke!