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February 22, 2008

Vantage Point Movie Review

Fresh from watching the movie vantage point and it is a iffy movie. It was ok. The concept was cool with the 8 people and 8 different views on the tragedy. But you start to get tired of them reshowing the same thing over and over again. And its starts to get annoying. But it is a puzzle and everyone adds a piece to the puzzle so it makes it interesting because it makes you become a detective yourself. The black guy in the movie kills me, I forget his name but if he wins any award for his this movie would be amazing. His acting skills in this jawn was the worst. But midway through the movie you know who does what. Its just that at the end of the movie everything ends at the same spot and its crazy. Its an ok movie to go see, but for people like me who are movie critics, I was chopping this movie up all the way through. Because you had the best safety car in the world. But yet in still its a hollywood movie.

Here is the trailer