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September 24, 2008

A Look @ T-Mobile’s G1 Phone

The phone drops in November for 179.99 with a 2 year contract. This is the first phone to use Google’s Android OS and features a touch screen, full keyboard, trackball and 3 megapixel camera.

Let’s compare and see if the iPhone is better than G1 or it is the other way around.

First of all, let’s talk about the platform and the device. Apple Inc. created their own mobile phone, integrated their own operating system and even included their own content eecosystem. On the other hand, the G1 was created using an open platform. This simply means that any software publisher can easily design program that will work on T-Mobile’s G1 and to the Android operating system of the phone as well. However, it is still too early to tell if developers will be flocking the Android platform like they did with the iPhone. One point goes to the iPhone.

Now, let us compare the hardware specs. The iPhone is lighter compared to the G1. It only weighs as much as 133g while the rival is 158g. And although many iPhone owners used to rant about the battery life of the device, they should be thankful that their iPhone can last up to 300 hours (standby) whereas the G1 only lasts for 130 hours. Again, one point goes to the iPhone.

After a few months, let’s see if Apple Inc.’s iPhone still gets the lead against the G1 or other upcoming smartphones for that matter.